- Reckless Takeover
- Manhattan, New York, United States
- This Is What We Do.. Promote Events, Run Events For MTV, VH1, Charities, Colleges, and Universities. We have the best of the best events from NYC to CALIFORNIA. Reckless TAKEOVER TOUR is here now!! DEVIN THE POET, MATT VORZIMER, DARNELL WRIGHT, DEVYNITY MC, JUSTIN BARON
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Fast 5?
After I watched part 4 of this series I was somewhat impressed it was a dramatic step up from the 3rd movie with Lil Bow Wow and some other no name actors. SO hopefully this one will be more entertaining and not corny over the top unbelievable!
Vin Diesel isn't the best actor but he is the best for the movie series Catch 22!
The movie also Stars Paul Walker, The Rock, Ludacris, Tyrese Gibson and Vinny D. LOL
Ladies and gentlemen
FAST & FURIOUS 5. Trailer!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Top 3 Reasons You Must Give Head!!!

2) Men and Women Must Give Head because it's 2008. I know that's not a reason you can tell a partner. "Nah Bitch you betta lick my balls, Darnell said it's 2008"! That might not get your balls licked, they might just be dry and blue after that bullshit. But what I'm saying is that times have change. It was very taboo not to talk about it back in the day (even though I'm pretty sure Marilyn Monroe was given more brain than an Ivy League Geek, Bill Gates, and that Kid from My Wife and Kid "AnnnyyyyWooooo"). Today it's expressed in Movies, T.V. and God I don't know how many songs talk about Getting Some Head, Ge, Getting Some Head. Now if you don't give head your looking at this like "I'm not doing it just because everyone else is doing it" and I say…You Better! That's right people its 2010, get down there and Eat more Cat than a Chinese Chicken and Broccoli..

1) Men and Women Must Give Head because lets be honest, if you don't someone else will. That's right buddy, your Man or Lady will find someone else that will Lic, Lic, Lic, Lick'em like a Lollipop. And believe me, that other person will "Go Down" faster than Mary J. Blige on 45 Speed on a Record Player and "Put It In The Mouth" like Akinyele in the 90's (Well you can lick it, you can flip it, you can taste it). Shit that person might be the person writing this article. I live by what I write. Fellas if you slip your girl might be giving me more Head than Rihanna. (Oh and don't think I didn't hear you finish singing the rest of that Akinyele verse just a second ago, keep reading!) Come on people, I know people that got "Head Friends" That's right mothafuckas that have that purpose and nothing else (I mean they think they will finally score but little do they know that's their role. Women are good for this one. I know every one woman reading this damn article is shaking their head just thinking of that idiot that was their "Head Friend", Sad!) How are you going to compete with fuckas Sucking and Licking for practically the same shit they give the little boy in the commercial with the flies on his eye ball in Africa some where? You can't, so Get The Sucking and Licking Fuckas!

This Message Was Approved by Devin F. Reckless.
Friday, October 29, 2010
(Reckless) Polo Fashion Parties
Taj 21st bet 5th and 6th..
This week we have DJ Big Ben from Hot 97 on deck Say Reckless @ the door!
If you need any more info you can email us @ RecklessPromotions@gmail.com
Or hit the hot line 718 877 4081..
Reckless Halloween Weekend..
Sat Oct. 30th
Katra Bowery & Rivington
Say Reckless
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Part 1 The Bedroom Rules When It Comes To Sex!!!
Please Your Partner! This goes for both parties if someone took the time to please you during sex make sure you finish the job. Please believe its not only guys that get lazy after they catch that nut. Women you think your slick, thinking because you caught it a couple of times you can just lay there and the guy is all good. NO! Don't go from doing back flips and somersaults to lying on your back and hoping the guy finishes fast cause your done. Continue all that nasty freaky shit you were doing before you got yours.

Men make sure you please your woman. If you know that it's hard to continue after you "release" handle your business with her and then cum faster than Superman on steroids masturbating, watching Wonder woman undress. Both parties should walk away satisfied and happy they had sex in the first place.

Stop Saying "I Don't Give Oral" NO ONE BELIEVES YOU! If I hear "I'm not eating anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die" again, I'm going to Rush Hour 5 Jackie Chan choke someone. You better get your ass down and Eat that girl out, and do it well (Or someone else will. Not saying no names but he might be the one typing). And ladies its 2008, Slobbing the Knob is as normal as taking that next breath. Did you know every time you inhale, someone woman in the world is sucking someone off like they are performing CPR on one of the Fat Boys in the Movie Disorderlies (Remember that Shit!? You gotta be Old School for that Movie) Look, its not the 50's where it was taboo not to talk or even awkward to perform. It's 2010 and Oral is a must. Lick Nibble, Suck, Gag, all things to make sex that much better. I will say this, Try Not doing it and see if things last.
Fellas, Don't get off your Rhythm! That's why your Girl or Mistress or "Friend" or Jump Off or Whoever still hasn't cum with you during sex! Be consistent with your motions. Stay on beat, move in rhythm and hit that spot. You would be surprise how many times she was about to cum, but you wanted to switch up, talk, and whisper some dumb shit in her ear to fuck up her concentration. Its simple, don't force the situation a pay attention to what she is doing, believe me you will make it happen. And NEVER EVER take it out when she is cumming! Keep stroking with the same motion so she can enjoy every second of that nut. You will know she is cumming because she will Holla and Squirm like she is reading a Darnell Wright Bulletin. LOL, Remember, stay steady and consistent and watch her catch that nut like T.O. playing against a bunch of Midgets!
Do Not Bitch Up!

This means go all out during sex. Do everything it takes to please your partner. All that Nasty, Kinky, Booty Talk 38 Porno Shit. All those crazy places in the Hallway, Bathroom, in the Car while sitting outside your kids school, lol, anywhere. Do everything; make sure every experience is one to remember. You have to make sure you leave an impression with every partner. You have to get Pulp Fiction Mid Evil On Their Ass! Don't go in timid and not trying to break their back. You have to wanna UFC/WWE them in the bed. Believe me, the Rico Suave is cool if you want the girl to laugh at you. But that "Lets Get It" "Fuck Me Right Here" are the more memorable moments in sex. No one ever ask "Where is the nicest place you ever had sex" NO, You know why? Because we don't give a shit. We wanna know where is the weirdest place you ever had sex like: In a Burger King bathroom right next to Humpty when he was making the "Humpty Dance", both of us needed it at that moment. Make Sex Memorable! Go Hard!
Wash Yo Ass! Do NOT Come To Bed Smelling Like A Dead Little Mermaid! No dude wants to go down and all he hears is (Unda Da Sea, Unda Da Sea…) That's not a good look. Make sure you're groomed as well. Remember you don't want the guy thinking he's making out with ALF. Keep yourself kept well. Guys this means you also. Wash your Balls! Chick goes down on you and your shit smells like BUNULLS (Butt Nuts and Balls). Or if she licks you're Balls and it's so salty, she comes up with High Blood Pressure! These could be the reasons you might not get any after all of that. Get it together wash up. Make sure you have good hygiene before trying to do the do.

Much Love,
Darnell Wright
This Message was Approved by Devin F. Reckless
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Toast to the Douche Bag
Its been an interesting year for me I must say, saw relationships evaporate, teams crippled, and jealously get the best of everyone. I come into this birthday celebration a lot older and wiser I must say. Still feeling like I ruined my life at some points but continuing to move on. I'm a Douche Bag, Asshole, Jerkoff, Liar, Cheater all wrapped into one. I try to be the best person I can everyday yet I fail at that because I am human. Everyone makes mistakes but I have made the most, taken the most chances and risks some have payed off yet others have not. With all that said its time to celebrate those flaws because it is who I am.. I cannot change that so the Secret Society calls for a Cheers and lets have a Toast to the Douche Bag Sept 23 2010.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Jesse Boykins III "Spot Dates" Trailer
Jesse Boykins III is the heart and soul of R&B. There is no other way to put it, his music takes you straight to where you want to go. A melodic journey filled with great lyrics and the newer work is filled with cool sounds provided by producer Machine Drum. This movie shows the artist in 3 cities, NYC, Philly & D.C. It gives you the in to a traveling artist and also shows the fun adventures of Jesse Boykins III and his band the Beauty Created.
This Message Was Approved by: President Devin F. Reckless
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Why They’re Really Mad at LeBron: Powerful Black Males in the Media

by Jean-Claude Sinclair
They burned his jerseys. They removed the painted mural of his likeness in Cleveland. They cursed him. The owner of the Cavs placed a hex on him. Media outlets have crucified him. The question that begs to be asked is “Why?”
People have envied James from the start. In fact, some people still refuse to give the man his due. James became a global icon faster than most media figures. How he broke into the game, however, is still controversial. The typical poor-single-mother-growing-up-in-a-slum sob story did not resonate with all fans and critics—James and his mother were lambasted for their materialistic exploits.

Most do not deny the overwhelming talent running down in rivulets over James’ long, taut limbs. America (and some would say the world) has realized James’ unmistakable calling. James revitalized Cleveland and energized the NBA. His amiable attitude has been repeatedly cited. So why, then, was James’ decision to make the move to Miami so censured? He is one of the most recognizable faces in sports and one of the most successful athletes ever. Why the visceral attacks on his character? How could people who claimed to love him turn on him so quickly?

The combination of Blackness and status can be lethal. Combine Black maleness and status, and raging fires could rise from Earth and swallow continents into oblivion. Throughout history, White America (as well as the media) has tried to control Black maleness as well as contort it. We can look at books, magazines, film, and newspapers published in the early 20th century that painted Black men as avaricious, animalistic rapists who satiated themselves by attacking White women and engaging in thievery and other crime. During slavery, there were three major stereotypes of Black men that were perpetuated—Jack, the slave that worked hard but still asserted his autonomy, the slave who constantly rebelled and killed Whites (inspired by men like Nat Turner and Denmark Vessey), and Sambo, the slave who was docile and compliant. Though these traits are not overtly (in most cases, at least) promulgated in contemporary media, such stereotypes and imagery still remain entrenched in the fabric of America. Contemporary stereotypes of Black men emphasize hyper-masculinity, criminality, and sexual prowess. The point is, the imagery of the Black male must be controlled and disseminated by Whites, so that the “insatiable Black man” can be contained. James acquired status and power and was propelled into the upper echelons of success. However, when he chose to take the power loaned to him and acquire autonomy, a sense of being and self-definition, he was promptly eviscerated by the press. He was even reprimanded by Air Jordan, one of America’s most loved sports figures. Michael Jordan, a Black man, was able to finesse White America and soothe and calm their fears about Black maleness reigning unchecked. He strode a political tightrope with an effortlessness and grace that perhaps can never be replicated. However, even America’s most beloved superstar tripped up a few times. Jordan was criticized intensely for his refusal to dine with former President George H.W. Bush. According to cultural critic Helán E. Page, “his un-embraceable decision not to show was construed as unpatriotic. Media outlets blasted him for having insulted the president.” The few media voices that supported Jordan’s decision were muted. In 1992, Jordan “denied the NBA and the Olympics any right to use his likeness on clothing sold to fans.” He was accused of behaving greedily by detractors. Even superhuman, otherworldly Mike fell out of favor at times with the media, and, by extension, the American public.

LeBron James is being berated because he made his own decision. A Black male public figure can have power, if they act in the interests of the dominant group. When they do not, however, they can be publically castigated, rebuked, and refuted. In some cases, the power and status they once reigned with can be rescinded altogether. James and Jordan are not the only Black sports figures to “use their powers for evil.” We need only look at athletes like Tiger Woods and Michael Vick to examine the relationships between Black male public-ness, power, and their ties to the establishment. What I think we should recognize is that even though it can be argued that progression has been achieved, racial imagery continues to play a large role in shaping public opinion. We should also realize the power that imagery has on worldview and search for ways to address contemporary problems via this ever-evolving, perennial medium.
Further Reading:
“‘Black Male’ Imagery and Media Containment of African-American Men.” Helán E. Page
The Slave Community by John Blassingame
The Assassination of the Black Male Image by Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Only Skin Deep: Changing Visions of the American Self, edited by Coco Fusco & Brian Wallis
Friday, August 13, 2010
Cell Phone Personality Types:By Darnell Wright
Verizon Cell Phone Carriers: are usually the “Boojie” people. Yup, they are uppity, travel, and love fancy things. They love shopping, hanging with “important” people, and vacations frequently. Verizon carriers don’t really do the “Club” scene like that; they really would rather do a lounge with a couple of friends. BUT, they have shitty attitudes and swear to the high heavens they are better than everyone else. (Have you ever tried to blame a Verizon Carrier that the call dropped because of them? They all defend Verizon like they have stock in the company. I believe it’s in the 2 year contract that they signed.) Drink Of Choice: Apple or Strawberry Martini (Shaken Not Stirred) and Wine. Where You’ll Find Them: Lounge, Wine Tasting Party, or on an Island because even to them “They Still Got Service”.
T-Mobile Cell Phone Carriers: are usually the people “Outgoing yet Layback” people. They’re all about enjoying life. They usually LOVE Sex but they are more into relationships than the occasional Fucking around. They are about families, friends, and meeting new people. Catering friendly house parties are what they are about. BUT They are a little on the Crazy side. They tend to be possessive which causes them to have bad attitudes from time to time. (Before the T-Mobile Drink, I Darnell Wright have to say, if you’re over the age of 23 and you still have a Sidekick, Kick Yo Self In Da Face!) Now, Drink Of Choice: Rum, Nuvo, Ciroc, anything to get in the “Mood”. Where You’ll Find Them: Home, Cook Outs, or Chilling taking it easy with Family and Friends.
AT&T/Cingular Cell Phone Carriers: are usually the “Business” people. They about that Paper! They’re motto is Work Now, Sleep When I’m Dead! AT&T Carrier is on the phone making sure that “Deal” gets done. They dress well, shop well, drive well, and Gaa Damn It, live very well! They’re not really the hanging out type, and if they do it’s just small fancy restaurant for two with a “Friend”. BUT, They’re horrible dates. They spend most of the time worrying about work and they are self absorbed. Because of their work they forget how to treat their significant other. Drink Of Choice: Champagne, Vodka & Cranberry, Usually Goose or Jewel of Russia Classic (That’s right step you’re Vodka Game Up Bitches). Where You’ll Find Them: Fancy Restaurants, Cocktail Parties, and Invite ONLY Parties that “Regular Folk” aren’t invited to.
Sprint/Nextel/Boost Cell Phone Carriers: are the “Party” people. Fuck what you heard they get down Mon-Sun. They’re motto is Play now Work…Ehh Not That Important. They get money, but it’s usually from hustling and odd jobs. They just wanna have fun and want everyone around them to have fun. They usually in the Club one hand in the air the other with a drink in the hand spilling the shit on a Verizon Carrier because “They Ain’t Gon Do Shit” LOL. And They don’t bullshit on the drinking they gets it in! BUT they miss out on shit because of shitty Service! They procrastinate and are never on time. Sometimes come off as downright Lazy. Drink Of Choice: Henny, Remy, 151, anything hard that’s going to get them Fucked Up! Where You’ll Find Them: Club couch acting a fool, Bars, Playing Spades, and any Vacation spot that’s has a party atmosphere Vegas, Memorial Day in Cancun or Miami.
There you have it people, Darnell’s list on Cell Phone Carriers. For all other services…Sorry! See you guys on the next writing (gotta say that because you’re probably reading this on MySpace or Facebook, and I don’t have the time to say Note or Blog). Word of advice...I'M A COMEDIAN NOT PSYCHIC SO DON'T TAKE ME SERIOUS!
This Message Was Approved By:Reckless Entertainment Inc. 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
This Video is Classic.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Reckless @ Diddy's Pool Party July 4th (TICKETS ARE AVAIL)

Shouts to the team
Bruce Wayne
Kev Storey
Vann Estrada
Devin F. Reckless
Harrah's Casino & Resort July 4th Red, White & Blue is a must!!
Contact us Via Email for tickets. @ the Contact US Section of RecklessPromotions.com or RecklessPromotions@gmail.com
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Addictions, an opportunity for employee benefit?
…is what I post on my FB profile, as I take a seat on the 7.58am train to Amsterdam and this lady passes me by. I saw her standing in line, waiting to board the train at the same station, so I assume she had a quick smoke before the train arrived… At least that’s what her breath says, and the trail of smoke tagging along with her tell me.
She sits down at the other end of my carriage, yet manages to leave an entire cloud of stankyness on my end...
You know those women that totally overkill when they spray on their perfume? Use like half a bottle a day, so they leave a perfume cloud eeeverywhere they go? You can still smell them in the area, when they’re looong gone? Well… imagine THAT, but replace the perfume with the smell u’d encounter if were hovering over an ashtray with burning cigs. One word: nauseating! Two words… Not sexy…aka NO BUENO… Three words… NOT the bizziness!!!
As a commuter I travel by PT close to 4hrs a day from and to work. It’s a 75 kilometer journey each way, that wouldn’t take more than an hour by car, but that’s beside the point. Point being… I come across a lot of interesting sights and smells. Some pleasant, most just annoying and straight up bugging!
Annoying in the sense that I don’t think people pay enough attention to their fellow travelers when satisfying their travelling needs, habits, or fulfilling their addictions.
Now following my Facebook post on the subject of cigarettes, a tiny discussion, or actually more of a rant, started regarding the irritation caused by smoking addictions. Why should ur addiction get in my way, and more specifically, why should you benefit from ur addiction? What about mine?!?
Come to think of it….It sure sounds as if smokers have certain perks just, cuz they can’t control their urges, huh? U can agree, or disagree all u want, but if so, it seems like society has accepted it. A statement supported by this one comment telling me I should leave smokers alone.
Well FINE if that’s ur opinion, but THIS is my blog and I can say whateeeva I wanna… So whatchu gon’do?!?
Not sure how it is on your side of the world, but in the Netherlands, your no longer allowed to smoke in public areas. Indoors that is… Meaning e.g., that you can’t smoke in restaurants, clubs, and in most cases not even in the office. Unless there’s a designated smoking area, that keeps u from disturbing others. Seeing that a designated area would suggest a company to financially invest, most just drive their smokers outside to handle their bizz.
Awww poor smokers…
NO! This is where the perks come in! Cuz what is supposed to be a quick stop to itch that urge…
In practice it all comes down to this… if u smoke, u get 3 to 5 additional 10 minute breaks every day! Additional, cuz that’s on top of the coffee and lunch breaks that every other employee has the rights to. I say every smoker only works 35 to 37 hours a week, but gets paid for 40! WTH?!?
On top of THAT smoking actually has even more advantages! It’s like the 2nd best place next to the coffee corner, or the water cooler, to hear important inside info, or close important deals… But that’s a whole different ball game… I might cover next time
Meanwhile…Since I have no intention of smoking, not even for the benefits, I’ll be ruling for chocolate, or Twitter breaks, to itch my Internet addiction!

Signing off,
Internet Breaks
Reckless International Ambassador
Profanity Mag Write Up.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Diddy Has a New Movie.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I Am Not My Phone!? Am I?
If you’re on Twitter, Facebook or whatever online social network, you might come across #teamblackberry and #teamiPhone messages, which are often just appreciative expressions towards the device that keeps people connected to the rest of the world, whether it be by calls, text, PING, email, or Internet.
Some online socializers take it to another level… I describe as playful and virtual ‘beef’ à http://twitter.com/#search?q=teamblackberry
It’s given that phones are definitely more than just communication devices these days…though now the choice of which phone…is apparently more than just a choice…
But is it a lifestyle yet? Can you be defined by your phone?
Do you ever have those moments where someone spots your phone and asks what phone it is? Sometimes the question just hits you out of the nowhere…just to make conversation.
Chances are people don’t ask to judge you by its brand, but really wonder what phone you have, or need inspiration in their search of a new phone….right? You might’ve been there yourself, I know I have…
Answers like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and HTC seem to trigger a quite neutral response and the conversation will most likely continue as usual. However, my Blackberry seems to have the ability to raise people’s eyebrows towards their hairline, or produce ‘Oh you’re one of them’ faces.
Wait! Forget faces, some people go IN and hit you verbally too… For real, what’s THAT all about?
I know I love to exaggerate, but it seems like a big ‘Agha!!!’ As if this piece of info gives you the power to figure me out? Apparently my choice says it all: I gave in to the hype, want to be down with the ‘cool kids’ or just want to PING around the world. All not true, but let’s be honest here… BBM is DEF is an awesome feature! FACT: iPhone now has pmessenger, no judgment, but need I say more!?
I think these brands should have a sticker: WARNING this phone comes with a big ‘JUDGE ME’ stamp on your forehead!
All I wanted was a phone that had certain requirements like… BUTTONS, an absolute must! All touch screen and I do NOT go together.
Why? Well call me lazy, where I call it efficient and exploiting my femanine multi tasking skills…. I like to email, or text while being able to look at something else. Touch screen is cute, but doesn’t allow me to do that flawlessly. Hence, one of the main reasons why I don’t have an iPhone!
Mind you, I have nothing against the iPhone, or Apple, for that matter. Although I do think it’s more focused on the visual aspect than its functionality… but that’s a different point, different story than the one I’m telling here J
Ok, that suggests that there is a point here right? Right! Oh snap!?
Ok Ok, what I’m saying is that I looked into specific features to find the phone that’s right for me, not the brand per se. This search says a lot about me, so I guess the actual phone does too.
You can’t determine this based on the sight of me pulling out a BB though… The way I use my phone says a lot more than the device itself.
Gosh, I’d like to think that I matured enough not to make choices based on media frenzies, or the masses by now?
My phone says I like functionality, mobility, accessibility/ease of use, tangibility and staying connected for business and personal stuff…. Oh and it hopefully screams ‘I HATE touchscreen!’
What does your cell phone say about you?
With LOVE,
Charmaine Young
Reckless Blogger
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sooo I was just going through my CD rack to rip some music and put it on my phone...aka my portable music library....aka my survival kit. You know...just to have enough music and music variety to entertain me during my LONG daily commuting journeys. Or... come to think of it...I zone out and listen to music whenever I'm outside by myself!
Anyway! Point being:
I came across so many CDs and songs that I absolutely love, but hadn’t played in ages, because I simply didn't remember them...and I just started smiling --> : )
Suddenly I had this feeling, more of an urge really, to buy more music, more CDs!
Nah uh...no downloading, no copying, no ‘Yooo, you got that new [insert artist here] album, son? Lemme get that rite quick’, none of that.
Just old school 'Go the store and flip through CDs...pile up everything I like in my arms, while I stroll between racks...Maybe ask the people at the counter if I can listen to some of 'em....then make a selection of CDs I’ll actually buy that day, which probably means I'll put half of it back...mostly ‘cause of financials, lol!
Finally, go to the register...stand in line...doubt whether to trade 1 of the CDs in my hands for another one that didn't make the selection...Just go back & forth in my head, until the person in line behind me says...'Miss, it's your turn' and the sales person looks at you like 'Doohhh, pay attention and stop slowing down the line'...but still smiles and asks 'Were you able to find everything you were looking for?'
As I leave the store...I might do some more shopping, ‘cause yeah well, I’m already out there anyway, so why not? BUT as soon as I sit down, either on the subway, on the couch, or on the floor close to the CD player... I pull out the CDs, rip off the cellophane and take out the booklet to look for my favorite song and scan through the lyrics to find that one sentence I could never seem to hear quite right...
Pure happiness! As I dig into my memory for the melody and start to sing in a whispered voice
It reminds me of all those occasions when I'm in a club and hear all of these amazing, but long forgotten songs...thinking...'Ohh I should really remember this one and download it when I get home'. But as soon as I get home, I just go to bed and will have forgotten all about it by the time I wake up the next day : s
See...now if I had bought the CDs back then...I could just go through my CD rack every now and then, like I did just now.
I wouldn't need to hum melodies, hoping that I’ll remember some of the lyrics, so I can Google the name of the song and finally discover who the artist is.... Or you know when you go around asking friends and family ... ‘Hey do you remember that song we used to vibe to...something like...’ and then just make a total fool out of yourself, because
a. you can't sing
b. you don't know the lyrics
c. You’re tone deaf and you couldn't produce a decent hum, even if your life depended on it
d. all of the above
e. other....
Ok ok, let me just wrap this up and go back to work!
My conclusion: Music is fantabulowesomeliciousness, and your favorite song is timeless. Even if it’s total crap to anyone else, it has the ability to take you on a trip down memory lane. Your first school dance, your first sleepover, your first love, your first kiss....and seconds, thirds, fourths too of course.
Therefore you should always buy the music you like, or at least write down the info, so you'll remember what to download AND most importantly... I just gave myself another 'valid' reason to shop!
If you see me in these streets alone...you can always try to holla,
but I just might not hear you...I'm in Music LaLaLand : )
Charmaine Young
Reckless Correspondent