It seems appropriate to focus my premier blog entry on this site on what other than the theme of “recklessness”. You know there’s enough reckless shit going on in this city to write a damn novel. For now, I’ll just have to focus on what’s the most reckless thing going on in NYC right now?
That’s easy.
No it’s not street violence, or the swine flu. It’s definitely not the War on Terror (although, that is pretty damn reckless) or NYC dating & sex culture. Nah. Hands down, the most reckless shit going on in the streets nowadays is shopping. Don’t people know we’re in a damn recession? It’s fucking ridiculous.
Now, maybe you’re confused. You may be thinking “shopping is a reckless act?” Let’s break down what exactly it means to be reckless. The Wiktionary definition of reckless is as follows.
- careless or heedless; headstrong or rash
- indifferent to danger or the consequence

But don’t laugh too fast. You know, some of ya’ll are going to the Paparazzi Party on Saturday night and plan on buying ridiculously expensive bottles of shit you could’ve bought at the corner liquor store for $20, all so that you can Facebook tag yourself “raining grey goose on bitches” LMAO.
But I guess when the economy is falling apart, what better way to forget about it than engaging in some Reckless partying? I know after a few shots of Ciroc, I feel better about my economic situation.
Which is why you can count on seeing me at Two Steps Down on Saturday night, blaming the Goose for the new Manolos I bought on credit last week. Oops! I guess that’s why they call me Reckless Rach.
This message has been approved by President Devin F. Reckless.. Splashing Circa 1986
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